Sippin Syrup (Fan Review!)

   On a recent visit to a gas station near me, I noticed a new beverage in the cooler with a peculiar shaped bottle and an even more interesting pitch.  This particular beverage, Sippin Syrup, Griptonite flavor, claimed that euphoric thoughts, extended relaxation and calmness where just a few flavorful sips away.   After a short trip to the bullet proof glass encased check-out counter, I set about to consume what would now seem to be an experience rather than a mere thirst quenching endevour.  As a cautious consumer I decided to scan the label before drinking, and subsequently noticed a warning written in small letters on an inconspicuous part of the bottle. Highlights from the said admonition include instructions not to drink if I'm pregnant or operating machinery, ohhh... and I can only drink one of these in a 24 hour period. Somewhat alarming, but risk taking can sometimes produce results.

   The first sip tastes like a sickly blend of cheap grape flavored wine, minus the alcohol, and copious amounts of an even cheaper sweetener.  The carbonation helps to sooth the aftertaste and makes the drink much more palatable. Had the carbonation not been present at all I most likely would stop here.  The scent accompanying this drink mirrors the aforementioned description of its taste. 

   After several sips the cheap grape taste has not worn off yet, and it is becoming painfully apparent that it never will.  I think it is a good thing that this beverage has been chilled to a near frozen state, thus making it that much more palatable. 

   The entire bottle has been consumed, none of the labels promises have been fulfilled.  I have no euphoric thoughts, nor am I calm.  In an ironic twist the only feelings now are a mixture of disappointment and relief.   The unfortunate taste of this beverage lingers in the mouth like bad habit.


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