Nice! Grape


Even if you haven't had hundreds of sodas in your life, sometimes when you pick up a drink you just know what it's going to be like. Let's use something like, oh, I don't know, Nice Grape as an example.

To me there are two types of grape soda: sweet or not as sweet. The sweet kind tastes like they may have put a bit too much syrup in there. Like you can actually taste grape syrup. I probably prefer that. Secondly there is the not as sweet, which tastes like maybe there's too much carbonated water in there, and may be a bit too bubbly.

Thankfully this falls into the former category, and doesn't have much carbonation going on. Sadly, that's about all there is to say on this one. As with the other Nice! beverages, it's filled with chemicals. The only way I could recommend this is if you want a cheap grape soda at a Walgreens. All three of you. 
