Popcast 36 - Squamscot Maple Cream

Stop clogging your Soda Stream with maple syrup and get some of this Squamscot Maple Cream for all your carbonated maple beverage needs. Whether or not that concept is actually tasty...well, you'll just have to listen. Plus after skipping a week of soda news, there's more this week, along with the other usual nonsense. 

If you like the intro/outro check out Steve G.  They're his creation.

Popcast 35 - Cock n Bull Ginger Beer

A true soda sommelier would rather have a disgusting beverage over an average one, because the experience is just so much more fun. Then again, they'd rather have a delicious drink over both of those choices. Which way does Cock n Bull Ginger Beer lean? You'll learn fairly quickly. Also we take a week off from news to perform a thorough investigation of one of our review's comment sections. 

Thanks to Steve G. for the fantastic new theme song!

Popcast 32 - Cascal Light Red

Buckle up as we learn together that today's drink has the added bonus of fermentation!  Maybe it won't be as horrible as it sounds.  Only one way to find out!  Along with that little adventure we have a fantastic list of news, including a new challenger to the Bottle Top, actual marijuana soda, and a combination soda cup/chicken container.  All that plus your comments!  Hope you enjoy it more than drinking a soda that had some chicken fall into it.  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/)

Popcast Episode 32

Popcast 10 - Peardrax

Somehow we made it to a tenth episode of our Popcast, and we celebrate by trying to poison ourselves with a substance known as "Peardrax."  In fact the whole thing is very hazy now trying to look back on it.  I'll blame it on the nail polish remover, I mean Peardrax.  Consider that a sneak preview.  The news was slightly more exciting this week:  Coke tries to imply diet soda is "heart healthy," Pepsi v. Coke in the war of being nice, Sprite still exists and Coke would like you to know that, good news for Waialua, Mary Jane moves to Cali, and how a man and his son started brewing their own sodas for their own shop.  Hope you enjoy it more than...Peardrax.  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/).

Popcast Episode 10

Popcast 09 - Organics Pomegranate Italian Soda

Pomegranate is all the craze, so we jump on the tangy bus and join in with Walgreen's own organic version of a pomegranate Italian soda.  Do we like it?  Are we split on it?  Find out in this week's episode.  In our...exciting (ahem) news, we talk about Coke following Pepsi's lead by buying it's bottlers, the reason for Coke's decision and why big soda might be losing popularity, how Dr. Pepper benefits from the deal, Reed's doing even more expansion, Hansen has a good end of year, and Colorado expands it's sales tax to soda products.  Hope you enjoy it more than a soda flavored with tomatoes from Mars!  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/).

Popcast Episode 9

Popcast 08 - Reed's Raspberry Ginger Brew

Our friends at Reed's join us once again, this time in the form of raspberry and ginger, just like the Wonder Twins.  What happens when these forces combine?  Tune in to find out in our eighth installment!  Along with that, news stories which all somehow have to deal with soda.  It's like we tried to do it.  Learn how soda can help you make better decisions, how Pepsi had a good Q4, how Reed's did in January, their alliance with The Kroger, and maybe find out what exactly Chill soda is.  We're still not sure.  Hope you enjoy it more than drinking a soda with The Kroger!  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/).

Popcast Episode 8

Popcast 07 - CocoFizz

Today we start our new weekly format with a look at CocoFizz, a non-diet chocolate soda that didn't kill us!  I mean...maybe it didn't.  Who knows?  Tune in to find out!  This week in news it's Dr Pepper's birthday, soda labels are about to get uglied up with numbers, Alaska Air has dropped Jones due to "popular demand," Detroit knows nothing about root beer, and roses are red and smell like root beer.  Hope you enjoy it more than a 125 year old bottle of Dr Pepper!  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/).

Popcast Episode 7

Popcast 06 - Pig Iron Cola & Hot Lips Apple Soda

On our sixth episode, which lies somewhere between China and Japan (it'll make sense when you listen, trust us) we try Pig Iron Cola and Hot Lips Apple Soda.  Are they both delicious or duds?  As usual we give you a little peek into what's to come on the site and of course plenty of news too!  This week the NY soda tax doesn't include diet drinks, doctors opinion on soda taxes, why the soda tax may drive some to drink alcohol, banning soda in schools, halving the size of cans to reduce consumption, the FDA is worried about BPA, Coke puts sugar in it's bottles but not in it's soda, Washington State students are trying to get Coke off campus, Stalin makes an appearance on soda bottles in Russia, a report on HFCS, Mountain Dew recipes, Pepsi is doing social marketing right, a soda geyser record is almost broken, another hotel makes fancy sodas, a "brew it yourself" store in New England, the history of Nectar in New Orleans is told, an update on the soda powered phone, a soda powered RC car, and finally another stupid criminal activity that involves soda.  Fhew!  Hope you enjoy it more than a $2 can of Coke!  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/).

Popcast Episode 6

Popcast 05 - Thomas Kemper Ginger Ale & Sangria Senorial

We reach the all important landmark of five episodes and celebrate with some decent sodas.  First up is Thomas Kemper Ginger Ale, which we hope to continue the tradition of good beverages from the northwest.  Secondly is a non-alcoholic sangria, and neither of us have had sangria, so we're the perfect people to review this!  In news this week, fecal matter in soda fountain, Bolivia makes it's own "Coca-Colla," a soda powered cell phone, Jones rolls a new set of D&D themed drinks, Reed's continues it's world domination in Canada, Diet Dr. Pepper really is diet, Pepsi Throwback has arrived, Chicago Marriot Cherry Cola sounds amazing, weed in a can?, Fanta putting Bollywood stars on it's bottles, the flavor of Facebook, Coke machines that give out pizza and balloon animals, a soda fountain that can dispense over 100 drinks, and if you're going to steal a Coke machine, don't drag it behind your truck.  All that and more in our longest episode yet!  Hope you enjoy it more than an acetone flavored soda!  Check out www.datassette.net for more of the music.

Popcast Episode 5

Popcast 04 - The 100th Review Spectacular!

Live (well, recorded) from New York (okay, a suburb of Houston) it's TheSodaJerks.net 100th Review Spectacular (it's somewhat spectacular, I suppose) with a star-studded line-up (really it's just the two of us as usual) and a surprise dance number (there's no dancing either).  Join us for our 99th and 100th reviews.  After we introduce our new review system, drink number 99 is Bundaberg Root Beer from Australia and for number 100...who knows?  The Shadow knows!  We know too, and you will as soon as you listen to it!  In soda news this week, Big Red is Big Brother to Jones, Peta gives something for Jones to put on their fridge, Mississippi is next up for a proposed soda tax, no Pepsi in the Super Bowl this year, Mountain Dew and Pepsi Throwback come back, Suntory brings out Chocolate Sparkling Soda in Japan, Pepsi gets a negative award for being in a video game, and how a can of Mountain Dew saved Christmas.  Hope you enjoy it more than a 125 year old soda with literal dirt as an aftertaste.  Check out www.datassette.net for more of the music.

Popcast Episode 4